A Reflection For The New Year

Wow! It’s been nearly three and a half years since I’ve last posted. I’ve had a few periods where I have gone without posting anything. I think that has to change.

I always mean to get back to writing after one of these seemingly long breaks, and sometimes I do get back after a while but then it only lasts for an apparent predetermined amount of time, and them before I know it, I’m not writing and then a few days become a week, then a week turns into a month, and then in this case a month turns into almost three and a half years!

The last time I posted was in August of 2020. As near as I can recollect, that was when some things were returning after the big shutdown from COVID. At the time, I was working at the local newspaper as the sports editor. Everything was shut down in March and through the summer. Word came out schools were going to open and sports, among some other things, were going to resume. So just like that I had to get back to my busy routine, with the intention of continuing my posts. That obviously didn’t happen.

Many things occurred during that time I returned to the sports desk writing about the many great sports accomplishments from the area high school and junior high athletic activities. Fall came and went, and then another new year rushed in – 2021. By May of that year, I began the transition into a new venture at the newspaper – SALES. I did that for about the last two and a half years.

Currently, I am what you might call “in-between” jobs. So now I am taking this time to think, pray and reflect. I’ve been busy and life has gone so fast. I really believe it is time to stop and slow down. That’s exactly what I am trying to do with this time.

Before my hiatus, I was posting bible verses and commenting on scripture. I was trying to share some positive, good insight into the world, since it seemed the world was in a “dark place” during the pandemic. It would appear the world still needs some light to be shed. Hopefully soon there will be some more “light” shared through this space on a somewhat regular basis.

Starting Off In A New Year

This post is intended to be the ball to get things rolling. I just want to say over the last month and a half or so, not only a new calendar year came, but also a new liturgical calendar year began within the Catholic Church with the coming of Advent and Christmas. By the way, I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and celebrated the coming of 2024 safely. Let’s all try to put those New Year’s resolutions to the test and actually fulfill them this year! I personally didn’t really make any resolutions this time, I mean none verbally or none that I really committed myself too. I did have some thoughts and one of those was just to be a better man – spiritually, mentally – for myself and to those around me.

This, I believe, everyone could do. If everyone would smile, greet others with humility and kindness, and treat others as one would like to be treated as it says in the Gospel of Matthew:

“For I was hungry and you gave me good, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me … Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.” (Matthew 25:35-36, 40 NAB)

We do unto others what we would like to have done to us. When the Magi arrived to see the baby Jesus and told Mary and Joseph all that had been spoken to them by the angel, Mary took those things and reflected on them in her heart. We should all be like Mary and think with our hearts before we act on something in a negative way. Because as John writes in his first letter, “No one who denies the Son has the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well.” (1 John 2:23 NAB)

Let us all strive to do good, to be good and to have and keep the Holy Father within us.